The Embodied Innovation Mindset
So I’ve been thinking. And I have lots of questions. They start…
Insights gleaned from being a Fat Tedx speaker
A 5 minute read about banishing body shame and learning to speak…
Creative Mojo Dojo: Becoming a Magnetic Storyteller The Film Commission,The Venus, and the Hail Mary Pass
An eight minute read about the journey to become a better storyteller…
Tween Venus Fundraiser
Tweens are magical creatures. One foot still dipped in fairy dust. One…
Creative Mojo | Playing into your Why How Tweens hold the key to the real why of your art.
An idea has dropped into your head. A good one. One that…
Mojo and #MeToo and Fat
A 6 minute read unpacking the link between #MeToo and Mojo and…
Creative Mojo: Idea Fairies really are quite loose
A 10 minute read in the series: The Art of Making really really…
Female Oppression When the oppression isn't coming from the outside...
I will put out there my 40 years in the making Personal…
2017 Iris Award winners
Metal Count 2017 BRONZE AWARDS Stella Mo Mackey Model Moana Mink Model…
Tale of Two mums
(A 5 minute feel good read about a Mother’s power to change…
The Grumpy Art Crone vs the Polite Southern Belle How to own your shadow sides when you feel like an asshole.
Sacral chakra is about understanding your subconscious. It is about being…
"It Ain't Pretty but it is Progress" My friend Fat.
Fat has followed me like a bear follows the scent of honey.…
Viking Braids, Girl Power, and Pulling Magical Unicorns from Magical Places
Three weeks ago I got a call from one of my dear…
Body for Rent Inner World Tour
I spent the greater part of my life in a battle with…
Gratitude and Goodbyes Why my very human father was the perfect father
I spent a great deal of my 20’s with Daddy issues. Longing…
the Fraying of the Purple Thread Dallas, Dying Dads, and Kittens
My Dad is a Titan. A warrior. A fighter. Even now in…
The Making of the Materialist Base Chakra - In Excess
The Block and Flow series is all about what happens to us…
And the Winners Are!!! Iris Awards 2016
The results: I have been entering the Iris Awards since I began…
Why entering Awards is good for the Soul
This blog post is about my personal growth as an artist though…
Inner World Tour | The Pirates of Progress
So my goal has been to develop a routine. Fark that…
Inner World Tour | Zen and the Art of Releasing the Wild Woman Sacral Chakra
Most of the time I am nice. Like pretty sweet actually. It…
Inner World Tour | Habit Hacking Sacral Chakra
Right. When I began this adventure my plan was to get up…
Inner World Tour | Unblocking from the Womb Sacral chakra
Before I was working artist I was an obstetrical nurse and lactation consultant…
Inner World Tour | Saved by the Belly Sacral Chakra
The day before yesterday I was invited to partake in a beautiful…
Inner World Tour | Feeding Time Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is all about emotions and sensuality. Well no where…
Inner World Tour | Releasing the Chronic Pain in my Ass Sacral Chakra
So one of the things I am observing with this whole inner…
Inner World Tour | Returning to Home Sacral/Base Chakra
There are some missed numbers in this sequence and it is simply…
Inner World Tour | Taking Flight
So one of my objectives of coming here was to help dad…
Inner World Tour (I think this is a better name for it) | Fighting through Food
Right I am going to be cheeky here and use the excuse…
Inner World Tour | Choosing our View of the World
Last night Dad asked me to research Cancer fighting diets. Which I…
Inner World Tour | Reestablishing a Morning Routine
Just outside of dad’s room is the lounge. I went in there…
Inner World Tour | Every Day is a Gift
This says day 17. I am counting the last three days as…
Inner World Tour | Project Get and Old Green Beret Airborne one last time
If you are reading this and you know someone who is either…
Inner World Tour | I don't even know how to write this one
(downer alert…today was one of the worst of my life. If you…
Inner World Tour | The Bulgy container and the Superpower
If you have a leaky container to keep it full it takes…
Inner World Tour | The Root of the Root challenge
Painting again today. It is a spiritual painting. One that tracks my…
Inner World Tour | Letting your inner artist out
Is there something you feel like you were born to do…but just…
Inner World Tour | Overcoming Veggie Garden ADD
Before I was a photographer I ran an organic blueberry farm. I…
Inner World Tour | Finding my Footing
This week is all about the Base Chakra. This Chakra is all…
Inner World Tour | Taking Care of Stuff
We live in and I was raised in such a disposable society.…
Inner World Tour | Skinny Dipping Surprise
This week in my Block and Flow Adventures I am exploring the…
Inner World Tour | The Manifesting Tube
I went to my dear friend Stephanie Lightsmith’s house yesterday and we…
Inner World Tour | Downloads from the Muse
Today I danced the Crown Chakra. The one that connects you with…
Inner World Tour | The Universe in an Eye
| Daily Morning Adventures through the Chakras | Not sure if I…
Inner World Tour | The voice of the body
Today I got up and “Hummed” I had reached the throat chakra…
Inner World Tour | What do you do when your Dad may be dying?
What do you do when you find out your Dad is probably…
Inner World Tour | Jiggly Warrior
2/365 block and flow Adventure 365 days of pushing personal boundaries using the…
Inner World Tour | Days of Block and Flow Adventures
So it is getting close to that time. New Years resolutions and…
Block and Flow series production planning | Sacral Excessive – The Addict
The Initial Plan Here is what the end result became:
Block and Flow series production planning | Base Diminished – The Disconnected Unmanifested
Additional details or changes: Images on this page…
Top 5 Ways I find inspiration for my Creative Photoshoots
I believe in the Muse the way Peter Pan believed in fairies.…
When your body says…"NO MORE!!!!"
A few weeks ago I went and made some beautiful cheese with…
The reason behind my personal Mojolution
So my path to health and wellness is not exactly a straight…