Inner World Tour | Jiggly Warrior

Inner World Tour | Jiggly Warrior

2/365 block and flow AdventureIMG_8927 365 days of pushing personal boundaries using the chakras as a guide.

5am start – MUCH slower to get out of bed this time but I got smart and set my alarm downstairs. Far enough away where I can’t hit the snooze but loud enough to get my reluctant ass out of bed.

The Dance – Solar Plexus

I was much more connected and present in my body for this dance and felt the powerful energy it was releasing. I danced intensely and could feel my muscles aching at parts. I felt a connection to the Amazon inside my soft flesh. When I jumped and giggled I was confused that there was so much extra flesh floating on top of my muscles. I thought. It is clutter. It had its purpose but now…not so much. I was so deep into the dance I was actually surprised when it ended.
Physically yesterday my left side was tight as a knot. Very stiff. Felt old.
Today it was looser…that made me smile. It is a beginning.

Mandala Art Interpretation:
Converting Stagnation into Action – the task of the 3rd chakra
After each dance you draw your experience.
The mandala drawing was of a yellow diamond attached to my spine. Into it was fed the energy brought up from the earth and through my senses. This energy was collected and drawn together and then converted into action. That is the point of this chakra to take potential and turn it into action. For the last few years I have felt diffused…scattered…not sure how to move or what direction I should move in. That has changed now…since I started with the dancing last year. Something slowly began to shift and move… to come into focus. A purpose bigger than just my immediate wants and needs.