Tweens are magical creatures.
One foot still dipped in fairy dust. One foot stepping into the wide world. 100% authentic.
They will rock unmatched stripy socks, a skirt, a hoodie and several flowers in their hair and look in the mirror and think "Darn! I'm rocking this" as they give a bit of a duck face and a giggle.
I have a theory about them. I think that this age is magical because they are just competent enough to do what they like and they haven't yet tuned into the opinions of others on what that should be. They are cocky and obsessed in a sweet way and get lost in their passions.
Ahhh If only we could bottle that magic and give it to women when they hit their 20's after the ravages of teen hormones and peer pressure have started to wane. Just decant it and suddenly you have your Mojo back and are confident living your dreams unashamedly.

So as you can see I am fascinated with Tweens. I like being around them a lot. So I have decided to offer a fundraiser that serves multiple purposes.
Who will it benefit?:
- Your Daughter who will get to have a 1 to 1 playdate with an artist who is inspired by the artist within her (artist being defined as the creative force that she brings to the world...not specifically painter...but she could be an engineer that makes something amazing that solves global warming...all art artists...are are treasures)
- You because you will know you have taken positive steps to create a touchstone for your daughter of her souls magic that she can turn to when she is older and struggling to remember it.
- Myself because I get the privilege of meeting and being inspired by your daughter.
- The Everybody is a Treasure Trust because every dollar of the sitting fee and 10% of the image sales goes to helping to run the Finding Venus Festival.
Fairy Crown Artists Playdate anyone?
I am doing 1 hour fairy crown making photoshoots playdates for tweens that are available for a $75.00 donation to the Everybody is a Treasure Trust. These are fairy fashion photos if that is a genre...It is... I just made it up. They are images that celebrate your daughters innocence, depth, whimsy, and etherialness. The style of these pictures feels like it should exist in something that is a mix between a richly illustrated fairy tale book and a fashion magazine if there were any fashion magazines that had depth and soul. It is something beautiful and delicious to capture before the teen years hit and the pimples and hormones seem to wipe the magic away for a period of time...some longer than others.
Each morning of these shoots I get up early and go for a walk around our studio property and see what the flower fairies have gifted us for the day. My basket usually looks a bit like this and I get to pull out my inner florist and get creating with what is fresh and in season. Your daughter will get to pick from a flower crown form that I have already made and then she gets to pick her favourite of the flowers for us to decorate it so it just perfectly reflects her tastes and preferences.

Why the Tween Years are so important to your happiness as an adult
I am a Mojo Artist. I work with women each day to help them recover their Mojo. One of the most common questions I ask my muses is..."What did you love to do between the ages of 7-12? When your mum called you in for supper what was it you were lost in doing?" I ask this because I think it is a key to the true beating of our souls. It is the thread that if we can keep hold of it through teentime and early adulthood it will bring us the most fulfillment as adults. Often the muses that can't even remember what they liked when they were tweens are the ones who have most completely lost the thread and have more work to do to regain it.
It is also the time that is the least likely to be photographed well. We photograph the heck out of newborns and graduates...but what about when we are our fullest most authentic selves? There are often not many visual clues to the thread of your awesome. So that is I suppose what I am trying to create. A visual honouring of your child's most authentic brilliance so that hopefully they can hold tight to it for as long as possible.
What does the $75.00 entitle me to?
- 30 minutes time with Mandi to get to know your daughter and they together make an epic fairy crown for her to wear in the shoot.
- 1 hour playdate with New Zealand's Creative Photographer of the Year for a photoshoot she will never forget that promises to capture the quicksilver that is your daughter.
- You receive a 5x7 inch print of Mandi's favourite image from the shoot.
- You have the option of coming for a viewing of your daughters images to purchase enlargements or additional images. Prints start at $397.00 and drop in price per print the more that you purchase. 10% of these sales goes to the Finding Venus Festival designed to help create a body positive future for your daughter.

How is this a Body Positive Photoshoot?
Your daughter is perfect. Skinny, fluffy, short, tall, special needs or just simply special. Doesn't matter. She is 100% perfect.
Social media is creeping in as an influence younger and younger for our daughters even if we keep it from them at home their friends will be exposed and therefore it will start to come into their world as well. Studies have show that as early as 5 years of age girls start to drop confidence due to their exposure. It is estimated that each day we see between 400-600 photoshopped images of the genetic 1-5% of the population. Hardly representative of every woman.
I do these shoots for all of the reasons mentioned above but also to celebrate the perfection of your daughter right now. Many of the mums that have come to the shoot have said that the brief time their daughter has spent with me has done miracles for her self confidence. I can't promise that, but I can promise that I will see her. Deeply see her and celebrate her perfection, cleverness, capabilities, personal power, and gifts.
How do I get my daughter on the Waiting List?
We are offering these shoots on specific days in between my normal studio Mojo Makeover days.
I have opened up 20 spaces for this fundraiser. The spaces will go on a first come first served basis and once the spaces are snapped up we will open up a waiting list for the next spaces.

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