A Heroines Journey - Where mindfulness meets creativity and has a baby called your genius

This course is for you if any of the below apply...

  • You struggle to carve out time for your creative soul in your life.
  • You would like to take a deep course that helps you compassionately understand yourself on a much deeper level.
  • You wish that you had more balance in your life but don't know how to go about it.
  • You feel something big is on the horizon for you but you aren't sure if you are ready.
  • You want to figure out what is blocking your best work from being realized.
  • You want a creative cheering squad and community to help you realize your creative dreams in 2019.
  • You want a playful mentor to share 10 years of deep-dive investigation into the Heroine's journey and what blocks and what cracks open your Creative Mojo.
  • You love doing so many things and find it really hard to focus on just one thing.
  • You want to make really cool stuff in 2019 and would like support to do it.

Creative Anorexia.

This picture tells the story of what I see in many people.  Their gifts their talents...they are that beautiful decadent buffet.  But we seem to often only have the courage to offer just the meagerest portion of what we were born to bring.

We have perfect excuses that range from "I have kids" all the way to "my mother never believed in me".   All of them are valid...if you let them.  But here is the rub.  You are the one with the two small pieces of orange on your plate when there is a freaking beautiful cake right in your reach.

Eat the freaking cake already.

This is a course to help you go back for seconds on your creative life and learn to get out of your own way.   It will take you on a heroines journey right smack bang into your luscious juicy creative soul.

What is the heroine's journey?

Joseph Campbell outlined in "the Power of Myth" The Hero's Journey which forms the backbone of most stories and movies and basically, it plays out like this:

A guy living his normal life hears the call of adventure, refuses, then meets a version of Yoda, goes into the unknown. Has lots of close call adventures, almost dies, probably kills some people, survives it, and returns to normal life changed and with a thing that will help his peeps.

Good story.  But not this one.

This one is The Heroine's Journey, and it doesn't go out into the world. Nope, this one goes inside.  It isn't a call for external adventure that is calling...It’s your spirit calling, the unexpressed creative gifts that live, not outside of you, but inside of you.  It isn’t something you find outside but something you give birth to through you. The Heroine's Journey is an inner world adventure and it can be as scary as facing dementors.

Here is how this plays out.  Girl unprepared for life by a mum with her own issues goes out uninitiated into the world.  The toxic soup of cultural oppression and historical family trauma worm their way into her mind, and she becomes her own worst enemy.   She thrashes from one form of escape to another wrestling with and trying to control the vampire perfection in a self-judgment swamp of guilt, shame, and fear. Just as she is about to go under and breathe her last breath, her heart cracks open, and she utters the magic words…”I can’t do this alone.”

Suddenly the goddesses hand reaches under the sludge and pulls her to the surface.  Her lungs fill with air and as she crawls up on the shore. Her gasps, turn to sobs and her tears of gratitude and self-compassion and loving kindness wash away the toxic sludge.  Her breathing slows, and she remains aware. Her mind continues its chatter, she observes it, unhooked, just breathing.  Just present.   She has been initiated into a spiritual life that holds the key to her greatest creative treasures.   

Male, Female or non-binary it doesn't matter

Whether you are male, female or other, it’s going to require a Heroines Journey to get to your best creative work.  That means going inside to honour and forgive your hot messes not by going outside to create more and spread them like viruses out into the world and down the family tree.

At any age in your life, you learn to drop the drama, an you can step on to the Heroine's Journey and become initiated to your rich creative life.

Here is the deal. You are going to die.

If you don’t choose a form of initiation on to the Heroines Journey, you will die in a fizzle, having squandered your gifts by focusing all of your energy into trying to numb guilt, shame, and fear.  

Please don't do that.  Be the wild artivist granny who is peeling donuts with the last drop of juice you have left in your creative tank before you go out in a blaze of artistic glory spreading creative inspiration on everything you touch.

Through all of my own thrashings through life, I have managed to become initiated on the Heroines Journey, and I have taken notes along the way.  I have created a roadmap called the Creative Vortex. If you need your initiation out of the head banging numbing dramas and into your creative superpowers, then put your details below. 

The Heros Journey


The Heroines Journey



What is The Creative Mojo Dojo?

It is an 8-week dive into yourself unlike anything you have ever experienced.

You bring your favourite form of art no matter what it is.

  • Drawing/Painting/Illustration
  • Photography
  • Scrapbooking
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Music
  • Acting
  • Film Making
  • Digital Media
  • Sculpture
  • Fill in the blank with your own favourite creative pursuit

You attend a class that teaches you a stage in the initiation.  Then you go away and complete a creative challenge.  In the next class if you are feeling it you can share what you got out of the class before and show us what you created in response.

The last class is a party and an exhibition of your combined work.

Philosophical Tenants of this Program

  • Everyone has a natural area of genius that the world needs.
  • Our culture has a way of shutting down that genius (tall poppy anyone?)
  • The Creative Vortex - My theory of creativity that I developed on my own Initiation as seen through the filter of an Aruvedic model of wellbeing.
  • This course is open to all genders looking for a deep connection with their creative fire.

Week 1 The Creative Vortex and the Art of Grounding

Benefits collected for attending this day.

  • You will begin to understand what aspects of your character are preventing you from bringing your best ideas to life.
  • Travel through the 7 steps from idea to manifested creation.
  • You will learn how to:
    • remove the physical barriers to your creative flow
    • ship your creation into the world without regrets

Week 2: Emotional Literacy + Sensuality

The Benefits of this day are

  • developing of a tactile sensuality that infuses your creations
  • working in the realm of mindfulness, emotions and the senses.
  • Understanding the balance between anorexic numbing - mindfully sensuality - addictive numbing.
  • understanding why your biggest emotional challenge is also your greatest creative gift.
  • How to help people to "get" what you are saying in all of the noise.
Mandi Lynn, a Master Photographer with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography is an internationally award winning photographer and stylist whose work has been featured in Vogue Italia and in International Photography Magazines. Her work has been features in exhibits… which makes her sound all posh and stuff but really she is just a cheeky, playful, down to earth farm girl who happens to be epic at turning peoples inner beauty into fine art.
Mandi’s goal is to give you an experience where you will have your eyes opened to your mojo, your spark, your secret sauce of awesomeness. She wants to help ignite a change in your life where you see how amazing you are right down to your core and cheer you on to start really bringing it out in the world. When that happens it is a beautiful thing to behold and it is why she does what she does.

Week 3: Jacking Up your Personal Power

Benefits from attending this week

  • Addressing your creative energy vampires and saboteurs (internal and external).
  • Learning techniques for quickly boosting your creative mojo.
  • What is creative resistance and how to defend yourself against it.
  • Understanding the balance between Victim - Creative Peaceful Warrior - Bully
  • Moving from scattershot to laser focused
  • Mamma bearing your creative process, protecting and motivating yourself in equal measure.
Mandi Lynn, a Master Photographer with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography is an internationally award winning photographer and stylist whose work has been featured in Vogue Italia and in International Photography Magazines. Her work has been features in exhibits… which makes her sound all posh and stuff but really she is just a cheeky, playful, down to earth farm girl who happens to be epic at turning peoples inner beauty into fine art.
Mandi’s goal is to give you an experience where you will have your eyes opened to your mojo, your spark, your secret sauce of awesomeness. She wants to help ignite a change in your life where you see how amazing you are right down to your core and cheer you on to start really bringing it out in the world. When that happens it is a beautiful thing to behold and it is why she does what she does.

Week 4: Heart-Centered Connections

  • How your personal life impacts your creative life.
  • Light vs. Shadow sides: The Connected +Supported vs. the Loner or the Marytr
  • The power of an open heart with a big moat around it.
  • The art of creative forgiveness
  • Heartmath, coherence, and the quantum physics that underlines your creative focus.
Mandi Lynn, a Master Photographer with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography is an internationally award winning photographer and stylist whose work has been featured in Vogue Italia and in International Photography Magazines. Her work has been features in exhibits… which makes her sound all posh and stuff but really she is just a cheeky, playful, down to earth farm girl who happens to be epic at turning peoples inner beauty into fine art.
Mandi’s goal is to give you an experience where you will have your eyes opened to your mojo, your spark, your secret sauce of awesomeness. She wants to help ignite a change in your life where you see how amazing you are right down to your core and cheer you on to start really bringing it out in the world. When that happens it is a beautiful thing to behold and it is why she does what she does.

Week 5: Authentic Self Expression

Benefits of this weeks course are an understanding of

  • What your throughline is in all of your work?
  • Non Violent Communication as a tool to help your work meet yours and others needs.
  • What your tween self has to do with it all?
  • Light vs. Shadow sides = The Story Teller  vs. The Silent Child  or The Gossip/Bore
Mandi Lynn, a Master Photographer with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography is an internationally award winning photographer and stylist whose work has been featured in Vogue Italia and in International Photography Magazines. Her work has been features in exhibits… which makes her sound all posh and stuff but really she is just a cheeky, playful, down to earth farm girl who happens to be epic at turning peoples inner beauty into fine art.
Mandi’s goal is to give you an experience where you will have your eyes opened to your mojo, your spark, your secret sauce of awesomeness. She wants to help ignite a change in your life where you see how amazing you are right down to your core and cheer you on to start really bringing it out in the world. When that happens it is a beautiful thing to behold and it is why she does what she does.

Week 6:  Mindfulness and the Minds Eye

Benefits of this weeks course are an understanding of:

  • Heart Brain Coherence
  • Mindfulness as a creative tool
  • Brainstorming like a boss lady
  • Organizational tools for scattered creatives
  • Light vs. Shadow sides = The Creative vs. the Blocked or The Rabbit Holer
Mandi Lynn, a Master Photographer with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography is an internationally award winning photographer and stylist whose work has been featured in Vogue Italia and in International Photography Magazines. Her work has been features in exhibits… which makes her sound all posh and stuff but really she is just a cheeky, playful, down to earth farm girl who happens to be epic at turning peoples inner beauty into fine art.
Mandi’s goal is to give you an experience where you will have your eyes opened to your mojo, your spark, your secret sauce of awesomeness. She wants to help ignite a change in your life where you see how amazing you are right down to your core and cheer you on to start really bringing it out in the world. When that happens it is a beautiful thing to behold and it is why she does what she does.

Week 7: Choose your Muse

Benefits of this Week

  • How to tap into creative inspiration like a tap instead of waiting for inspiration to strike.
  • Understanding the role of a muse in your life.
  • Why you have an idea...stall and then someone makes it before you can ship.
  • Why muses are just a bit slutty... and why that is perfectly okay.
  • Light vs. Shadow sides: The Plugged In vs. The Disconnected or The Away with the Fairies
Mandi Lynn, a Master Photographer with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography is an internationally award winning photographer and stylist whose work has been featured in Vogue Italia and in International Photography Magazines. Her work has been features in exhibits… which makes her sound all posh and stuff but really she is just a cheeky, playful, down to earth farm girl who happens to be epic at turning peoples inner beauty into fine art.
Mandi’s goal is to give you an experience where you will have your eyes opened to your mojo, your spark, your secret sauce of awesomeness. She wants to help ignite a change in your life where you see how amazing you are right down to your core and cheer you on to start really bringing it out in the world. When that happens it is a beautiful thing to behold and it is why she does what she does.

Week 8: Creative Vortex Exhibition and Party

Benefits from this week:

  • A review of the steps of the Creative Vortex and how it is a toolbox that you now own to unblock your creativity.
  • If you choose to, you get to show the group what you have given creative birth to in our end of term exhibition.
  • We share what has shifted in us on this journey.

What is it going to cost me?

A crap ton if you don't choose yourself.

But financially if you decide to take the course it will cost you $400.00 or if you are an early bird and one of the first 10 to sign up then it will cost you $200.00 instead.

Time wise:

  • 2 hours for 8 classes one evening a week.
  • Time to work on a piece of art to show us the following week.
  • We will be starting in February

Is your creative soul worth it...Of course it is.  Leave your details below then and let's get started.

Pay it forward awesomeness

Every adult that pays for their workshop series will fund a 10-14-year-old girl to go through a youth version of the program in a local school recently impacted by suicide.

Your creative evolution could help to deliver the tools to a girl so that she can enter the world initiated and with tools to help her face the creative challenges ahead.