A course for women and their girls both on the journey to body positivity.
You are a guardian of an evolving soul. Not just your own but also a teen/tween who has been brought into your world. You have to watch as she starts to discover she has a body and society has an opinion about that body. You are discovering that it is forcing you to look down the barrel of your own challenging body acceptance journey.
This stuff isn't easy.
You love your tween because...well...she freaking rocks.
Tweens are magical with their one foot in fairy dust and one foot about to step into the slippery world that is modern adolescence. All we want to do is preserve that... But sometimes it feels like we are on a treadmill to keep up with all the new ways that are being invented to steal our daughters innocence.
Then to top it off, she comes home upset from school. You find out it is because some kid pointed out something unique about your daughter and that kid tried to shame her for it. She is swallowing it and you are getting triggered right left and center remembering when something similar to that happened to you. Muming/Aunting/Grandparenting is hard. I totally get it. Heck. Modern adulting by itself is...not to mention being responsible for the self worth of a gorgeous little thing placed in your care.
Somedays it feels a little bit like this...
You are stumped and not sure what to do. Its okay... we got this. At least a starting place to open up the discussion and angle things in the right direction. "As a twig is bent, so the tree show grow." There are skills that can be learned that can keep her sharp, savy powerful, and still glittery when she leaves the nest and you stronger for having successfully guided her there.
Let me tell you a little story
I was born an artist.
I knew it when I was 3.
When I was 7, I won my first photography award at a state fair. I was always drawing, photographing, writing, and playing my cello.
I won a scholarship to University to become a musician and artist.
I chickened out. I joined the military instead after hearing one too many times that artists starve. I had been on a body shame roller coaster from the age of 3 when I first heard my father talking to my aunt behind closed doors about the number of belly rolls I had. The thought of not being able to consistently feed myself after years of dieting didn't sit well with me.
When I joined the military, I figured it would prove to my family that I was strong and fit and worthy of respect finally. After 8 weeks of boot camp where I kicked some serious butt...my own that is.
I walked out proud and strong as an ox and my grand mother looked at me and said "Is that all? I would have thought you had lost more weight than that!" Thanks Gran. I was crushed. I was 18.
That was chased by being weighed and measured every 6 months in the Navy for 10 years to make sure my bum wasn't too big to get promoted...
Last year at 45, I went back home pleased as punch after changing careers and winning New Zealand Creative Photographer of the Year. My family's overwhelming response to my return was..."Hmmmm Mandi, You could stand to lose a few pounds." Oh for ferk sake. The difference being this time it made me laugh and shake my head instead of cry.
Here's the deal. My family. Despite their sizism are good people. They just have a very skewed view on what makes a person healthy, and an even more skewed one on what makes a person happy and worthy. It makes sense. They live in the western world where sizism is as acceptable as racism was during the 1920s. It took me years to learn that. To get my personal power back. To stand in my own strength. To own my creativity and not let my energy for my art be siphoned out by body shame and by other peoples opinions.
It has become my creative mission to help others develop those skills much earlier rather than later. They are teachable skills but it helps if mother and daughter learn them at the same time especially if a mum is still wrestling with accepting her own body.
Why big hearted Rebels?
This course teaches life skills not taught in school that help you to be self compassionate and content in an often body toxic word. This course teaches you to be a big hearted rebel .
We are rebelling against the Girl Gauntlet. The cultural pressures that are driving some of our daughters to eating disorders, depression, addictions, and in extreme cases suicide. We are rebelling against a trillion dollar beauty industry that only profits if you feel like you are in a battle with your body. It is a rebellion against the distorted reality of unattainable photoshop beauty. It is a rebellion against the media that only casts women who are the size of a coat hanger. It is a rebellion against a society that's unwritten rule is that a woman's power fades as her looks mature.
It is a big hearted rebellion that starts...one girl at a time. We are inspiring girls to be brave hearted rebels with a mighty cause. Victims lack power. Rebels do not.
We are rebels with a mighty cause.
We are starting a Mojolution. A revolution of girl power that doesn't fade but only gets stronger and richer through adolescence and beyond. We are walking along side our daughters, playing, laughing, healing, and learning the skills they need to keep their unicorn sparkle alive.
What is in the course?
You will get specific tried and true techniques to help you and your tween/teen to become more self compassionate and body positive. This course is a combination of the teachings of Health at Every Size (cutting edge health research that accommodates all sizes of bodies), Be Body Positive (the curriculum developed by the driving forces of the Body Positive Movement in America - I am a facilitator of this course), and The Creative Mojo Dojo (my creativity course which I feel is the missing link between idea and action).
Week One - The Voices in your head. -
Quieting the Brain Banshees and Amping up the Mental Muses.
- You will learn my technique for getting out of thinking ruts and creating new thought scaffolding. Based on neuroscience research around new habit creation.
- Health at Every Size - Why dieting is bad for your health, and your waistline, and what the alternative is.
Week Two - Speaking your Truth
- Defense against the Dark Arts -
- Verbal techniques to diffuse word daggers from trolls or well meaning family members.
- The difference between objectifying language and perceptive language.
- Words as Healing Balm
Week Three - Connection and Boundaries
- The difference between People who are Suns and People who are Vampires and how to know the difference
- The art of selecting and creating a body positive friend group.
Week Four - Personal Power
- Moats and draw bridges
- Your creative energy cup and how to protect it
- This beyond all else...refuse to be a victim.
- Owning responsibility for our thoughts, actions, and deeds
Week Five - Plunging into the emotional depths
- The Why game - how to get to the heart of what is really motivating you.
- Descantos - the little deaths - how to grieve, release, and move on.
- The fine art of the forgive.
Week Six - Manifesting a Body Positive Reality
- Gratitude Baths
- Body BFF
- Sharing with community
How is it taught?
- Weekly Short Videos
- Adult and Tween activity to complete before the following Thursday evening.
- Online office hour with Mandi Lynn using Facebook Live in a Group setting.
- Facebook Parents group and Instagram group for tweens/teens who are on social media.
How will being part of the finishing school benefit me and my teen/tween
- You will be taught skills to develop a compassionate relationship with your body
- You will be guided to develop a deeper understanding of your teen/tween and they with you.
- You will learn about diet research that may help to protect your teen/tween from eating disorders.
- You will learn techniques to deal with bullies...even if the bully is your own mind.
- You will learn simplified neuroscience techniques for dealing with past hurts, releasing, and moving on.
- You will give your teen/tween tools to enter adulthood happy in her own skin.
- You will learn how to reclaim a large portion of your daily energy that is wasted each day.
What does it cost?
1 hour during the week to review the materials and together do the activity
1 hour on a Thursday to join in a Facebook Live Meetup for Office Hours with Mandi Lynn
Approximately 30 minutes daily for journal entry time
$97.00 per family of Beta Testers. This is the first online version of this that I am teaching so in exchange for feedback after the course I am cutting the cost of the course by 75%.
100% of the sales of the beta test of this course are going to the Finding Venus Project to bring the event to another city so by taking the course you are paying it forward to another region...look at all of that good karma you are collecting!
If you are desperate for this course and 97.00 is not possible for your family, Please contact Mandi to discuss work for tuition options. There are trade opportunities to help the movement...but no free rides as that is counter to the whole personal responsibility philosophy that is taught in the project.