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Creative Wellbeing Coach/Mentor

I show you how to unstick yourself.
I work with creatives, teachers, leaders, teams and women and youth.
I teach you how to go from an anxious dried-out dead zone to the place where your creative mauri flows juicily and you move to a place of buzzing grateful calm.

Mandi Lynn

How I do what I do with my clients

Life is about energy.  No energy... no passion.  No passion...what's the point?

We are raised in a world that sometimes seems hellbent on dumbing and dulling us down. We often carry our own traumas and sometimes undigested traumas from our parents and sometimes a whole family line. Add to that work/school pressures, the economy, isolation, politics, and doom scrolling, and it is no wonder we are collectively struggling. But there is a way through it to a much juicier connected, creative, and energized place.

Over the past 25 years, I have developed a diagnostic tool that helps you very quickly identify where your creative energy flow is out of balance—where it is either freezing up or getting scattered. Then, I teach you tools to either thaw it out or draw it back into you and your creative dreams.


SM-Embodied Creativity Framework

SM-Embodied Creativity Framework (1)

Skill Basket

I’m a somatic trauma therapist, holistic women’s health nurse, youth worker, transformational coach, multi-award-winning community arts creative,  master photographer and documentary filmmaker.

I use relaxed questioning, creative play, and gentle movement as tools to help you find the most efficient way to get your energy back.

My methods have a lineage that draws from Parts Therapy (Internal Family Systems), Holistic Nursing, Positive Psychology, Poly vagal theory, Rongoā Maori, Aruvedic principles, Transformational Coaching, Ecotherapy, Stoic and Taoist philosophical concepts, and Creative Meditative Practices.

As a neurodiverse person myself, I work particularly well with those who are on the spectrum or suspect they may have ADHD.


Ways to Work with Me


Creative Activist

Yes I am a therapist but I am also a practicing artist. I use my creative energy to question things that don't make sense to me. I use my camera as a tool for peace and wellbeing. To stimulate non violent discussions about areas where society could stand to rethink its trajectory and impact.

There is a through line in my work. It is all about learning skills to dial down that which is not the essential Self with a captial S. It is about staying curious about culture and its impact on our deepest truth and gifts. It is about taking non violent corrective responses to anything that keeps our essential self from being expressed fully.

The topics I am most interested in exploring are:
- The skills needed to develop self compassion after trauma
- Non Violence and peace activism
- The modern education system vs indigenous ways of self actualization and skill mastery.
- Amplifying youth voice
- Balancing power between the masculine and the feminine.

Good news.   It's fixable.

By doing the work to work through our stuff two things happen.

#1 The next generation doesn't become responsible for digesting our undigested trauma.

#2 Our creativity starts to flow and we are able to bring our gifts fully to the world.  This means that we become more relevant in the rapidly changing future.   Undigested trauma is costly on so many levels.

How I can help you